Tuesday, February 25, 2014

bring i a ball so we can play ball.

In a dream it would seem
I went to those who close the open door
And turning the key, I sat and spoke to those inside of me
They answered my questions with questions
And they pointed me into the night
Where the moon was a star-painted dancer
And the world was just a spectrum of light
They reached to my center of reason
And pulled on the touchstone that's there
The shock of that light had me reeling
And I fell into the depths of despair
They answered my questions with questions
And set me to stand on the brink
Where the sun and the moon were as brothers
And all that was left was to think
They answered my questions with questions
And pointed me into the night
The power that bore me had left me alone
To figure out which way was right

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

blownboy is wicked.

cute is the blue sky. details below include i and you and anything else we didn't know but now.
Displaying Untitled.png

killed after 9 decades of lifespan or less.
no one goes beyond 90. they die just like it. candy?

sadness is cute and beautiful and nice. listen to songs. don't laugh. sleep and go away. get back next day with a clothes on. then sing a song like it's the end.

wholeness to the cheeks hued blue and pink. bed face: blush, lipstick, eyeshadow